Tap water safety in Brazil ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท

๐Ÿ‘Ž In general, the water in Brazil is not safe to drink.

Lonely Planet

Tap water in Brazilian cities such as Rio and Sรฃo Paulo is generally safe to drink, but it tastes awful. In remote areas, tap water may be suspect. Many hotels and guesthouses filter their water โ€“ be sure to inquire about the status where youโ€™re staying. Vigorous boiling for one minute is the most effective means of water purification, though you can also use a water filter, ultraviolet light (such as a steripen) or iodine pills.

Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)

According to the CDC tap water is generally not safe for consumption.


According to the Numbeo water drinkability and accessibility index, tap water has a score of 62.72 / 100 (100 being best).

Numbeo considers this score to be "High"

Advantages of drinking (filtered) tap water

1 adult could save about 402$ per year in Brazil by drinking tap water instead of buying bottled water.

๐Ÿณ Drinking tap water would also help with reducing your plastic footprint and improve environmental pollution.

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